Competition Economics

Competition Commission of India Journal on Competition Law and Policy

Competition Commission of India Journal on Competition Law and Policy is conceived with the aim of fostering research in the field of competition law and policy. Competition law is a relatively new area of interdisciplinary research concerning law, economics, and finance. With the publication of this journal, the Commission hopes to stimulate rigorous research and informed debate on contemporary issues in the field and apply the results for enforcement and advocacy.

Sweta Kakkad
Chief Editor
Publisher Competition Commission of India
Published 10/10/2023
Publication Bi-Annual
Current Volume Vol. 4, No.1, June 2023
ISSN (Print) 2582-838X
ISSN (Online) 2583-0767
RNI No DELENG/2021/79486

Call for Papers

The Competition Commission of India (CCI is a statutory body established under the Competition Act, 2002 to prevent practices having adverse effect on competition, promote and sustain competition in markets, protect the interest of consumers, and ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets in India. CCI is also mandated to take suitable measures for the promotion of competition law through organising various advocacy programmes for stakeholders. In furtherance of the above, CCI, as a public institution, is engaged in developing a better understanding of competition issues relevant to the Indian context in order to draw inferences for the implementation of competition law and create a culture of competition in India. In pursuit of the same, the Commission publishes the biannual Journal on Competition Law and Policy in both in print and digitally.

Submission of Papers

The Commission invites original high quality research papers, articles, case studies, and book reviews on competition law, economics of competition law, and contemporary anti-trust issues for publication in the journal. The orientation of the papers may be theoretical, empirical, or based on case studies. Book reviews should be of books that were published in the two years before the submission of the paper. The journal would cover a wide range of related themes. However, research papers/articles/book reviews on the following themes in the Indian context and based on empirical research are encouraged:

  1. Cartel
  2. Vertical restraints and competition
  3. Market definition,  measuring   market   power,   and   abuse   of dominance
  4. Merger and acquisition
  5. New age economy, platform markets, and challenges for antitrust enforcement
  6. Intellectual property rights and competition law
  7. Recent developments in competition law and policy
  8. Other issues pertaining to competition law and policy

Who can submit paper(s)

  1. Open to all including academicians, research scholars, industry experts, economists, lawyers, finance professionals, journalists, practitioners and decision makers etc.
  2. Authors pursuing Master’s degree in any stream
  3. Authors having Bachelor’s Degree in Law

Important Dates

There is no specific deadline for the submission of papers. Papers cleared by the editorial board will be published in the next issue of the journal.

Selection Process

Papers received for publication in the journal shall be selected through a rigorous two-stage review process. At the initial stage, the Joint Editors will carry out a blind review to determine the eligibility of the paper for further review. On clearing the initial stage, the paper will be sent to the editorial board. A double-blind review process will be followed at both stages. Based on the editorial board’s recommendations, the paper will be accepted, sent back to the authors to be revised, or rejected.

Guidelines for Authors

  • The work should be an original and unpublished
  • The manuscript of the research paper should be in the following order:
    • Title
    • Abstract and Keywords
    • Introduction
    • Literature Review
    • Methods and Results
    • Discussion
    • Summary or Conclusion
    • Acknowledgements and References

(i)       Please submit your paper in the following format:

Language/medium of the paper


Maximum word limit (including research questions, methodology, conclusion, and foot notes)

Research Paper: 8000 words
Article: 6000 words
Book Review: 2500 words

Document format


Name of submitted file

Title of the paper

Size of the paper



2.54 cm (1 inch) on all sides

Font style

Book Antiqua

Font size

11-point font

Line spacing

Double-spacing (2.0)

Paragraph spacing

0-point and left-aligned

Formatting for the title of the paper

20-point, bold, centre-aligned, and title case (capitalise each word)

Author Details

Details of Authors should be mentioned only on the first/title page of the paper in the following manner:
11-point, Italic, Centre aligned Just below the title:
Full name
In the footnotes: Email Id (optional)
Contact number (optional)


11-point, bold, centre-aligned, title case


Level 1 subheading: 11-point, bold, left-aligned, title case

Level 2 subheading: 11-point, bold italic, left-aligned, title case

Level 3 subheading: 11-point, bold, indented, title case

Level 4 subheading: 11-point, bold italic, indented, title case

Page number

Top right corner

Table number

The table number (e.g., Table 1) appears above the table title and body in bold font.

Name/title and number of table

The table title appears one double- spaced line below the table number, in title case.


The figure number (e.g., Figure 1) appears above the figure title and image in bold font.

Name and number of figures/graphs/ images

The figure title appears one double- spaced line below the figure number, in title case.

Source/Other Notes of table/figures/graphs/images

Three types of notes (general, specific, and probability) can appear below the figure to describe contents of the figure that cannot be understood from the figure title, image, and/or legend alone (e.g., definitions of abbreviations, copyright attribution, explanations of asterisks use to indicate p values). Include figure notes only as needed.


Must be defined


Must be defined

Referencing style

APA 7th edition (see https://apastyle. references/examples )

How to submit paper(s)

Author(s) shall submit their papers only through the web portal of the CCI Journal. Author(s) will submit three separate documents, i.e., Full Paper, duly signed Certificate of Originality (Please see Annexure), and CV of Author(s).

Contact us

Request for further information or any other queries may be sent to  